Hello digital universe. Some life stuff happened therefore I haven’t really been able to sit down and type out a blog article about life here in the Philippines. Though what I would say is if you’re planning to stay around several weeks in the Philippines, I strongly suggest packing a headlamp. Because in times of emergency, a headlight is extremely useful. The blackouts/brownouts here in these islands occur more often than I thought they would. I feel like I experience a power outage maybe once every 3 weeks or so.
Though hey, when you live in a country where the pace of life is far slower than the San Francisco Bay Area in California in the glorious yet busy land of America… you have way more control over your time and the pressure to make money isn’t as great. Pros & cons with each place on Earth, pros & cons. I am currently typing this out on a Friday afternoon in a cafe. I do work for my family business, NABILEG, though it’s more of an on call thing. Therefore I have time & energy to hone and practice my craft as a photographer/filmmaker/content creator - which I am very happy about. There is definitely far more time for me to pursue the things I am enthusiastic about here in the Philippines.
Being a digital nomad is possible here in the Philippines, though the WiFi is a far cry when compared to developed countries. That means Zoom meetings here are honestly harder to do.
My appreciation for growing up in America is greater. Living in a developing nation and observing how the normal everyday people live and what their surroundings look like, makes you appreciate the lot you were given in life.
Starting around the time I move into my new studio/bedroom in my new house, marks the trial period of 6 months to a year that I will be testing out Philippines further. There is a possibility that I might move back to the USA around 2023. Though even if I do move back, I will visit the Philippines quite often. Especially because the “genetic lottery” has allowed me to be a native of the famous Summer Capital of Philippines, Baguio City.
Very few people will actually read this blog article all the way. Though I like working on aesthetic websites, I think there needs to be more photographer blogs, there should be more “balikbayan” type blogs also (I don’t really think I truly qualify as a balikbayan, therefore I say type), and I like writing and posting stuff. Social media is cool and everything, though I feel comforted by the fact that I can post stuff on my website if those platforms fail or shut down for whatever reason.
Often I feel like an alien in my own country of origin, though I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels like this.
In my contemplation of the universe, civilization, cameras, stuff, and time itself. I have found this… the universe is vast and wide. There are only 24 hours in a day. Try very hard to make the best use of it before you grow old and eventually start to die.
The camera settings for the creamy cloudscape I shot in this post is…
Panasonic LUMIX G85
ISO 200