John Jacob Bolla


a.k.a. John Jacob Bolla

Hello! I am John Jacob Bolla the content creator behind John J Images. I produce photographs, videos, & blog articles in the niche of adventure, nature, travel, & culture.

I am currently based in the relatively unknown cold mountains of the Philippines.

In 2022 my focus is being the Cinematic American Igorot of the Internet.

Very few people seem to be covering what life is like in the Philippines through an American Igorot viewpoint. Igorot means native Filipino mountaineer. As a photographer, I’m armed with my camera & lenses to showcase life in the Baguio area and beyond, through a cinematic style. I’m tired of seeing a bunch of random filtered selfies when I look up the Baguio City area, in 2022 there is a lack of quality travel photos in the Philippines. The place I was born in. Therefore I am the Cinematic American Igorot of the Internet. Watch out interwebs, there’s an “alien yet native” mountaineer showcasing Philippines in a different style. The ancient Igorots carried headhunting axes and shields. The Cinematic American Igorot carries robust cameras and 21st century knowledge on content creation.

There is a high chance I will be based somewhere else soon, because I am a traveler at heart. Though one thing is for certain. Learning about my Igorot roots and realizing how American I am, has forever changed my view on story telling forever.